HNY!!! #kowthas #dailychatter

January 1st


2016 it is and going by the messages doing the rounds Feel 20 and look 16...the feeling is so high.
Well to start with I am very excited as someone a couple of years back told me that I will be getting married in 2016 

So waise every 31st December I make a list of resolutions which I barely remember what's going to change this year is WORKOUT.

Almost every year losing weight is on my list but it seldom gets to my daily to-do list.
To make it a start from today I am going to watch what I eat and walk as much as I can. I will be trying some exercises but past experience says I can never stick to it.
Walk walk walk and walking more is going to be my whole and sole goal and next year when I write it will be a reward for my work with a new goal.

* Post is part of January blogathon by #blogchatter as a #dailychatter 
1st Jan 2016 , improving on an older, failed resolution


  1. Sounds good! :)
    If you are gonna write anyway, could u hop by and post a link on the Day 1 post. It will be up shortly :)


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