Beginners guide to organize life - Part 4

Happy New Year!!

The non-stop parties, celebrations, gatherings, events, the onset of new year is always a happy time. And mostly the happy times shake-up our set routines. In order to get back to our routines or better them, we set resolutions.

I did a good number of resolutions this year and a week down to the new year, they are already out and forgotten.

This made me realize one important factor which I haven't spoken about - TIME.

We have been planning our days, sequencing, scheduling as per the lists of wants and needs with deadlines. These deadlines talked about the date not time.

Talking and thinking about time is important because it helps further breaking down of tasks.

By allocating some time to a few tasks everyday one can balance doing more than one thing a day and achieving more by the deadline.

One can either allocate an entire day or a part of the day. This can work wonders if put into consideration before the festival season and in case of India, we do have many festivals sprinkled all round the year. When one considers time-line and work accordingly, one gets free time along with getting the work done.

For me, time-blocking has been a blessing. It removes the feeling of being overwhelmed by accomplishment. It does make one aware of the passing hours and hence it has made me realize the value of wearing a watch more.

My tip of the fortnight is to "watch the watch". Allocate time to everything and move out of it the moment time is up. You can think of it as a game with the stop watch count. If you do it in the stipulated time great! If not, try again tomorrow from where you left. The key is to start.

Do share what works for you.

Every alternate Wednesday is dedicated to stories or instances or learnings that I learn or implement at work. So stay tuned for #WorkWednesdays


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