I want to take my blog to the next level #blogchatter

I was tagged by Namrata  to write this post.

Its human tendency to be looking into future. As we grow-up, we are often asked what you want to be when you are old enough and it is since then that every child starts thinking what he’ll be......even when he may not be sure of the word’s meaning.

As I was growing up even I faced such questions and I had a wide array of answers at various stages in my life.
         When I was in school, I don’t remember which standard but maybe 1st or 2nd , and teachers used to ask me what are you going to be once all grown up, I had no answer. I never got such questions from my parents and so I never had an answer to it but used to say I want to be a Doctor as my close friends wanted to be (as their dad was a doctor).
         Then the answers moved to being a dancer, director, psychologist but never reached to what I am currently doing. But I know I could never have been doing anything else J J because it is the change that makes you think differently and it is a lovely feeling to keep moving forward.

I started to write in my teens.....you know those days of first crush, when you realise the intensity of love songs.....

It started with daily diary, some short stories, poems and then a blog. I have always admired many bloggers but somehow have neglected mine. But one day on #twitter I stumbled upon #blogchatter and my oh my!!! It opened a whole new world to me. It made me realise if one wants to move forward only writing won’t help. Now I want to take my blog to another level.

Now I want to work hard on it, for it and this is what I will be doing -
·         Write consistently
·         Research more                                                                      
·         Add some colour by experimenting with new things
·         Read more
·         Market it                                                                           

And maybe enroute I’ll find my niche J

What do you suggest I should do to implement this???

P.S. I now tag Mansi to write her take on the topic.

I want to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter


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