Amazing April it was! #reflectionpost #atozchallenge

It was maybe January or February this year that I found a few tweets on the 7th edition of A2Z Challenge for blogging an initiative by Arlee Bird and it got me intrigued but enough to partake only when I found The Blogchatter community and some so cool members Roms, Parul and Chandni not only just sharing their experiences and why to take up AtoZ challenge but who constantly helped and inspired to stay on.

So I decided to participate in the challenge thinking let's do as much as I can after all I am no professional so no stress on completing it. Plus the title of the challenge A2Z, as I like to call it (instead of ATOZ) is synonymous to the flagship product of my current company. So as I read more of previous participants and the website it opened a galaxy of new things.

The AtoZ challenge is huge and very very organised. First one needs to register on their website and put up the badge on blog.

This was my first time and so almost everyday there was something new. There's a time period fixed to post declaring that one is participating and here is My Let's do it post of 2016 challenge and a day for Theme Reveal. Though having a theme is not mandatory. I was totally clueless about what I am going to write but with a bunch of motivators around I had a theme ready- MEMOIRS. As per plan but not to the T, I had 14 posts scheduled before April but in random sequence so I had certain days marked to work on all the time.

I am amazed with myself that I actually completed it. It just made me realise how much I can do despite April been a hectic month at work as well. It just proves that if one is motivated and connected with right people everything can happen. All thanks to Twitter and blogchatter community to make people aware about the challenge, elaborate on the same and help them to take the challenge and push them to finish.

A group of the participants was created on Twitter and not just blogchatter but all the members helped everyone. It was not just commenting and sharing posts but even coming up with ideas to write when one was stuck on what to write at a point.

My AtoZ challenge 2016 posts are - 

A = Arjun's Toys
B = Blush
C = Cool Calm Cucumber
D = Debonair E = Eyebrows speak louder than words
F = The Fantastic Female
G = Grace
H = Humility
I = Idiot box
J = The Jump of Joy
K = The very First KISS
L = Love
M = Manma Emotion Jaage-re
N = Nails
O = Only if it happened
P = Papa
Q = Queen
R = Regret
S = One Tight Slap
T = Tolerance
U = Uncertainity
V = Vintage Love
W = The Wanderer
X = My First X-Mas Tree
Y = Yen for Life
Z = My Crazy Zebra-crossing Love

I have learned so much in just a matter of a month. I for one didn't even know how to schedule the blogposts and I learned not only that but also what should be an average word count, what best time to post and  how to make it attractive. There are so many things that I am now looking forward to. And that e-book is right on it's way


  1. Congrats on finishing. I never seem to be able to get too far ahead on my posts but I'm going to try hard to do it for next year!

  2. Sounds like you had a fab experience :) Congratulations on completing your first challenge! It's great that you found a Twitter community to support you - I could never make any of the chats due to being at work

  3. It only gets better the more you learn from participating. This was my 4th year and in my reflection I name what many concur is the best way to tackle the posts. By writing ahead, you increased your chances to enjoy the opportunity. Congratulation on making it to the end.


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